
TOPSYS deployed its resources; experience and knowledge to design a fresh and rather unique business solutions to assist organizations transform their businesses into high performance organizations. We help organizations discover their capabilities, potentials and re-establish their strategic SMART goals and objectives to create a best match.

Competitive Advantage

  • Localization of resources: TOPSYS is a local company with local resources.
  • Highly integrated process: The process is result driven and integrated to gauge, improve and outperform to reach high performance status.


Testing: Academic and Professional (TAP), business unit is the result of the full-fledged collaboration between Pearson Vue and Topaz Systems.

PE Services

Performance Engineering: As part of its mission to become a performance focused company. In recent years proactive performance management has become critically important as Enterprise customers are increasingly dealing with complex systems, demanding customers, and ever changing environments that mandate rapid response.


In recent year many enterprise customers are increasingly dealing with complex systems, demanding customers and changing environments that mandate rapid response and proactive planning. In alliance with such demands and answering some business challenges to become a performance focused company, Topaz Systems offers:

  • Business Internet Solutions
  • Access Control / Security Solutions
  • CCTV Solutions
  • Intelligent Parking access and Surveillance
  • Smart and backup connectivity Solutions
  • IP Telephony